• Professional Energy Consumption Audit

    According to the requirements of the competent government departments, the energy audit shall be implemented by classification. Among them, industrial energy consumption audit is to audit the process flow, energy consumption equipment and other elements of industrial enterprises, Whether the current situation of energy consumption in the actual operation is reasonable, scientific and whether there is energy-saving space is an audit work, which is conducive to improving the competitiveness of the enterprise Production efficiency and cost saving.

  • Energy Saving Evaluation

    Review and judge the total energy consumption and unit output required by the enterprise's project in the year of reaching production according to relevant national policies and the actual equipment, process flow, raw and auxiliary materials, economic data and other factors required by the enterprise's project Whether the level of energy consumption of products and 10000 yuan industrial added value is reasonable and in line with relevant national regulations and requirements.

  • Technological Transformation

    Excavate the internal energy-saving promotion space of the enterprise, and adopt external advanced and applicable new technologies, new equipment, new processes and new materials to improve the existing facilities, production process conditions and auxiliary facilities Transformation and upgrading.

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